Welcome to the 1 st International Poster Competition on
Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Developing Countries
Sustainable development means a development that generates wellbeing of present generation without compromising the future. For this, the Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of 17 interconnected goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs were set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. However, the developing countries in the world are facing numerous challenges to achieve the goals. They also have many opportunities toward the SDGs.
Given the context, UniV is going to arrange a nation-wide poster presentation competition with the theme ‘Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Developing Countries’. The event will create a platform for the young people to present their ideas, research findings and other knowledge on various aspects Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the perspective of developing countries.
A Little About UniV
Beginning with the motto- Competence beyond the box, “UniV”, an international mentoring assistance platform, provides the proactive and progressive holistic education to cultivate individuals' potentials and talents towards a desired career to succeed in such demanding times. UniV introduces the youths to global competition, thereby empowering them and transforming their abilities to make it into the winning cut.
Mission of UniV
Prepare the youths to meet their viable career based on the global challenges of the rapidly changing world around them.
Vision of UniV
To broaden academic perspectives, isolates and addresses the changing personal needs of challenged youths, empowering interpersonal skills toward self-success, and promote global community development.
Why You Should Join This Competition
Participation from Any Disciplines
Multi-disciplinary Networking
Virtual Competition
Specific Sub-Theme on SDGs
Certificates and Prizes
The Organizing Committee
Event Notice Board
Deadline Extension until 31st January
Due to a higher number of request from our event partners, the deadline for the 1st-ever International Poster Competition on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Developing Countries' has been extended until 31st January 24.00hr (BD time); the other deadlines of 2nd round and final round has changed as well, please go through the Schedule Section for better understanding.
Announcement of Competition
The 1st-ever International Poster Competition on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Developing Countries' is going to be start on 26th December 2020, where participants can do registration cum poster abstract / summary submission by 20th January 2021. Stay tuned!
Competition Features
Features of the
- Virtual competition (competition sub-themes):
- Scientific advancement on innovation for sustainable development (Industry, innovation, and infrastructure; Affordable and clean energy; Renewable energy; Green development; Sustainable cities and communities; Clean water and sanitation; Responsible consumption and production)
- Overcoming socio-economic challenges (No poverty; Zero hunger; Good health and wellbeing; Decent work and economic growth)
- End the discrimination, ensure the Equality (Quality education; Gender equality; Reduced inequalities)
- Environmental justice (Climate action, Life below water, Life on land)
- Good governance (Peace, Justice and Strong Institution; Partnership for the goals)
- 3 different rounds: 1st Round (Title Submission is must; Abstract / Summary Submission is optional), 2nd Round (Poster & 3 minutes video submission) and Final Round (3 minutes oral presentation; only best 10 posters will get nomination from the 2nd round following Scientific & Technical Committee judgements).
- Students from any academic disciplines can submit and present the poster Title. No PhD holder can be a presenter at this competition.
- A poster abstract / Summary (optional for first round) can address a specific goal (SDG) or a combination of several goals. The poster must be an original work and has not been presented elsewhere earlier.
- Submission is allowed either individually or as a team. For teams, maximum team member can be three.
- A participant can be part of more than one team but the presenting author must be different in each poster.
- Before the final poster submission (2nd Round), a training/ orientation program will be organized for the participants.
- All the successful participants will get E-certificates.
- Apart from the competition, participant(s) may take appointment from our expert(s) for shearing thoughts and view to improve the idea.
- Awards and Prizes:
- First three winners will receive prizes- 1st Prize ($300), 2nd Prize ($200) and 3rd prize ($100).
- All the participants who get the minimum points will receive certificates.
- Certificates will be given in three categories: (Platinum: 80-100%, Gold Award: 60-79% and Silver Award: 40-59% points)
- Platinum awarded participants will be invited in a meeting with our expert researchers.
Competition Registration Fee
BDT 450 TAKA ( USD $ 6 )
Payment Methods: Bangladesh
Bkash (Merchant number): 01844072012
(Note: Please choose “Make Payment” instead of “Send Money”) -
Payment Methods: Bangladesh
Bank Transfer: Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (Branch: Cumilla)
Acc. Holder: Md Ashiqur Rahman
Acc. No.: 20501216700259707 -
Payment Method: Europe
Bank Name: Deutsche Bank
Branch: Darmstadt
Acc. Holder: Mohammad Abul Hasnat
IBAN: DE39 5087 0024 0024 7312 00
Payment Method: Turkey
Bank Name: Vakif Bank
Branch: Ankara
Acc. Holder: Md Syful Islam
IBAN: TR65 0001 5001 5800 7309 4435 69
Competition Schedule
December 26, 2020
1st Round
Registration + Abstract Submission
January 31, 2021
2nd Round
Poster + Video Submission
February 15, 2021
Final Round
Top 10 Poster Presentation
March 06, 2021
Certificates & Prizes
March 12, 2021
December 26
2020Announcement of Competition
January 31
2021Registration close
Deadline for initial Title submission (Abstract / Summary submission is optional).
February 01
2021Announcement of primary selection
At 01 February, every presenting author will get email notification regarding their abstract / Summary Title submission. Hence, winner of primary selection (1st Round) will be inviting to the training event at 2nd or 3rd February (6 PM, GMT+6) for informaing 2nd Round competition procedures and rules.
February 01
2021Announcement of primary selection
At 01 February, every presenting author will get email notification regarding their abstract / Summary Title submission. Hence, winner of primary selection (1st Round) will be inviting to the training event at 2nd or 3rd February (6 PM, GMT+6) for informaing 2nd Round competition procedures and rules.
February 02 / 03
2021Training on poster presentation
A state-of-the-art training on poster prepration, presentation and supporting 3 min video will be held virtually. A poster template and guidlines for video preparation will be provided there.
February 15
2021Deadline for poster and video submission (2nd Round)
February 27
2021Announcement of 2nd round result
At 27 February, every presenting author will get email notification regarding their poster and video submission result. Hence, best 10 winner of the 2nd Round will be inviting to the training event at 2nd March (6 PM, GMT+6) for informaing final Round competition procedures and rules.
February 27
2021Announcement of 2nd round result
At 27 February, every presenting author will get email notification regarding their poster and video submission result. Hence, best 10 winner of the 2nd Round will be inviting to the training event at 2nd March (6 PM, GMT+6) for informaing final Round competition procedures and rules.
March 06
2021Final Competition Round
In this session, the best 10 winner of the 2nd Round will compete, will be speaking 3 min as oral presention, will be followed by QA session. This session will last for 1.5 hours.
March 06
2021Price Announcement Ceremony
07 March - 12 March
2021Certificates and Prizes
From 7th March to 12th March, every participants will be send with the certificates and best 3 winner of the competition will be provided with the prizes.
Guidelines for Submission
Before begin, prepare the following information
- Presenting author’s Full first and family name(s)
- Email address, Mobile number, Full postal address
- Author and co-authors’ details
- Affiliation details: department, institution / university, city, country
- Abstract / Summary title – limited to 25 words. Abstract / Summary text – limited to 150 words. Please Note: Word count is affected when graphs/tables/images are added
- Abstract / Summary topic (optional) – select the abstract / summary topic that is relevant to the list of sub themes topics
- Abstract / Summary (optional) layout – Abstracts / Summary should use the following structured format: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions
- Click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the process in order to submit your abstract / summary. Changes will not be possible to your abstract / summary after it is submitted.
- You will receive an registration ID number via email after you have submitted your abstract / summary. Please refer to this abstract / summary number in all correspondence regarding the abstract / summary.
- Please contact us at competition@univbd.com if you have not received confirmation that your abstract / summary title has been submitted; or if you have any queries.
- Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract / summary title.
Rules for Submission (2nd Round)
- Abstracts / Summary must be submitted online via the website (competition.univbd.com) only. ABSTRACTS / Summary SUBMITTED BY EMAIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- Abstracts must be received by the announced deadline. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable.
- Abstracts must be original and must not be or have been published or presented at any other meeting/conference/competition prior to the Competition.
- Please note that each person can submit only one abstract as a presenting author.
- Upon submission, the Abstract Submitter confirms that the abstract has been reviewed and that all information is correct, and accepts that the content of this abstract cannot be modified or corrected after the submission.
- Upon submission, the Abstract Submitter confirms that the contact details saved in the system are those of the corresponding author, who will be notified about the status of the abstract. The corresponding author is responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract.
- Submission of the abstract automatically constitutes the consent of all authors to submit at this competition; therefore, if any conflict arises from the co-authors, presenting authors will be responsible for this.